Wage Subsidy Articles

Failure to write to recipients

Auditor-General’s report on management of the wage subsidy.       May 2021 In my view, the use of a high-trust approach at the outset needs to be balanced with adequate verification after the payment has been made to properly protect the use of public money. I have also recommended that the Ministry of Social Development seek written

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A magnifying glass sitting on a piece of paper focusing on the word Fraud in red writing

Failure to prosecute

Staff instructions.  July 2021 COMMENT:  The MSD did not ask for advice about prosecuting so a year later had not prosecuted anyone. Auditor-General’s report on management of the wage subsidy.  May 2021 The public organisations managing the Wage Subsidy Scheme have identified a number of applicants they consider might have acted unlawfully. In my view, it

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Panel decision-making

The SOC stated in paragraph 32 that prior to the Panel being convened, MSD made no decisions about enforcement action in relation to any case. They responded by saying some cases were sent to debt collection but did not say how many. Documents show that they wanted to complete wage subsidy work in December 2020. They

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Professional firms and real estate agents keep wage subsidy Australian experience

The Jobkeeper wage subsidy was available for 12 months to 31 March 2021.  It was administered by the Australia Tax Office who had access to the past income of businesses and they required verifying evidence to be provided. As a result, 900,000 businesses applied compared to 760,000 in New Zealand. However, the ATO was not

Professional firms and real estate agents keep wage subsidy Australian experience Read More »

Finance and expenditure committee report August 2021

In August 2021 the Finance and Expenditure Committee of Parliament reported on the wage subsidy and endorsed the criticisms and recommendations made by the Auditor-General. The following quotes and notes were made about their report: The MSD has not fully implemented three of Deloitte’s recommendations: NOTE:  This implies that they fully implemented 9 recommendations, including

Finance and expenditure committee report August 2021 Read More »

Wage subsidy impacts

The Reserve Bank created $50 billion to support the economy and part of this was used for the wage subsidy but about $20 billion was overpaid.  This money was used to push up the prices of houses and assets and this created inflation. Now rents and mortgage costs have increased and other factors are causing

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MSD Review and evaluation failures

SAMPLE OF 1,000 The May 2021 report by the Auditor-General on the wage subsidy stated: 4.77 As part of our 2019/20 annual audit of the Ministry of Social Development, our Appointed Auditor recommended that the Ministry write to recipients of subsidy payments to seek re-confirmation that they complied with the requirements and obligations. This is

MSD Review and evaluation failures Read More »

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